sunnuntai 13. joulukuuta 2015

The last blog post…

Can’t believe this autumn is over already.

On Monday our task was to present our final presentation for the teachers and we got some tips for how to make it better for Thursdays presentation.
Also our task was to give feedback for the course, to think about where we are in a few years and to think how the course could have been better.
On Thursday we had our final presentations. There were so many awesome presentations! Our presentation also went good and our group got some positive feedback about our team spirit. I have never had this good team! I’m so proud of us all.

Now when it’s over I just want to say that this course have been awesome and fun, and I have learnt a lot during this course. I want to especially say thanks to Ilkka, he has been AWESOME during this course!

Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful Christmas you all!


sunnuntai 6. joulukuuta 2015

Week 14

This week we had our second exam. So we had a lot of individual reading this week.
The second exam was much more difficult than the first but still I hope it went well..

But on Monday we had as lecturer Mika Aittamäki from Rainmakers. He talked to us about Digital. After that we got to know about Leijona-akatemia witch is intended for those who are interested in sales, students or graduates. In Leijona-akatemia students have access to coaching and they are employed part-time in various Rainmaker sales tasks.

One week left, let's make it a good one!


perjantai 27. marraskuuta 2015

Week 13

On Monday we had Katja Järveläinen from GAPPS as lecturer.
She told us what Gapps does and about their projects. More inspiring was the part of her lecture: thoughts on future of work and leadership.
I learnt about the 1in1-method. It means that you have to prepare a one minute long presentation about one hour lasting lecture. Our group had to prepare our presentation about giving constructive feedback to our lecturer Katja. We thought she did everything very good and there was nothing negative about her lecture. She was inspiring, she spoke English fluently and so everyone understood and she was excited about her topics.
(Picture from:

On Thursday one of our coaches lectured to us about content marketing. What I thought was really good was that he gave and showed us a lot of examples.
Most interesting on Thursday was other students presentations. Topics that they had chosen was Podcast, Tips for filming, How to give a good presentation and Digital timeline.

Two that did stand out was tips for filming, because it was well done and I don’t know anything about this topic. First they showed their own video about their tips and after that they showed a few good videos.
 The second one was Digital timeline. It was fun to hear how everything have changed in 40-30 years and when did new phones and electronics come out. They also showed a lot of nice videos!


lauantai 21. marraskuuta 2015

Week 12

This has been again a crazy week.
On Monday we had two lecturers, Jaakko Alasaarela from ZEF Solutions Oy Camilla Tuominen from Emotion Tracker Oy. I wasn’t able to be present on the lecture but I heard they were so inspiring. Some of my friends said that Jaakko Alasaarela was one of the best lecturers during this course.

Wednesday we went with our group to the Taivas+Helvetti event, witch I wrote about in the previous blogpost.
After that we had a meting with our team to do the task related to thesis.

We also had a few meetings during the week to develop our ideas related to Taivas+Helvetti.

On Thursday two of our coaches lectured to us. One of the topics was SEO. Even though we have had a few lectures about this topic, I have learnt something new every time. For example this time I learnt about the differences of On-site SEO and Off-site SEO.




Kirjoitan tämän blogipostauksen suomeksi, sillä tapahtuma johon tiimin kanssa osallistuimme oli suomeksi ja näin on helpompi.
Osallistuimme siis Taivas+Helvetti tapahtumaan keskiviikona 18.11. Ohjelma alkoi aivan täydellisellä aamiaisella klo. 8. Musiikkiesityksen kautta siirryimme kuuntelemaan neljän yrittäjän tarinat.
Aiheina oli innostus (Innojok Oy), kansainvälistyminen (Finlayson) ja digitaalisuus (KLOK).

Itse pidin eniten Jukka Jokiniemen tarinasta. Hän perusti Innojok Oy:n sen jälkeen kun hän sokeutui vuonna 1993.  Hän todellakin oli erittäin innostava, sympaattinen ja huumorintajuinen. Hän on myös sanonut, että ”mikään fyysinen vamma ei ole niin  vaikea kuin asennevamma”.  Mielestäni erittäin hyvin sanottu! Hän on hyvä esimerkki siitä, että lähes mikä vaan on mahdollista kun vaan jaksaa uskoa siihen.

Viimeisenä mutta ei vähäisimpänä oli huumorintajuinen ja erittäin hauska Risto Lähdesmäki. Hän kertoi siitä mitä vaaditaan jotta pärjää yrittäjänä Silicon Valleyssä. Hän oli erittäin inspiroiva ja rohkea jättäessään suomessa kaiken taakseen ja lähtiessään Piilaaksoon.

Lopuksi oli varattu puolisen tuntia aikaa ryhmäkeskusteluille. 

Tapahtuma oli mielestäni erittäin mukava ja siitä jäi todella hyvä fiilis! Osallistuisin mielelläni uudestaan tällaiseen tapahtumaan ja suosittelen muitakin osallistumaan jos on mahdollisuus, ihan huippu juttu!
